Customer Testimonials

" I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Kenneth “Kenny” Muschette during a recent home estimate. I contacted his company regarding creating an 110v-20amp dedicated outlet for my new OTR microwave. He was very knowledgeable, professional, and reasonable price. I was very SATISFIED with his quality of work. He was able to complete the job in a timely fashion. Kenny even had a great sense of humor, which I appreciated. For all of my electrical needs, I will continue to contact AMEW Electrical Services. Exceptional Service 5 star rating! Thank you again, Kenny!"- J. Shackleford


"I am always a skeptic when it comes to getting these types of service due to being overcharged. With that being said the price was very reasonable. The professionalism and promptness was something that I am sure everyone can appreciate. They were knowledgeable and well prepared for job. They did great at keeping the area clean and even repaired the drywall from the holes they had made. I am very pleased and looking forward to our next project. I want to thank them for their service and I hope that everyone else chooses AMEW for all of their electrical needs." -D. Andrews


"I hired AMEW to install a Tesla charger at my home. They were very fast and efficient. Work was completed clean and had the best prices by far."-Justen R.


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